We thought it might be helpful to make some tools and resoures available to help build capacity for community development initiatives especially those being done by faith-based organizations.
Our partners get access to tools and support like:
o Asana, DonorBox, Fluxx Grant Database, Quickbooks, TimeBank, & Zoom
o Coalition coordination and engagement
o Implementing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) evidence-based interventions and evaluating initiatives and strategies
o Fiscal sponsorship with Nonprofit Enterprise at Work (NEW)
o Grant writing support
o Investment in small scale demonstration projects
o Online learning community
o Strategic and program planning support
Together Our Support.
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. — Hebrews 13:16
We’re a backbone organization. One way to think about a backbone organization is that its goal is primarily to work among multiple organizations with a shared vision for a community, common agenda and a willingness to share resources.
We provide services, support and resources that can be shared among partner organizations. That kind of collaboration benefits everyone.