Projects we’re working on now.
We’re passionate about the work we’re doing and excited you want to learn more about our projects:
Creative artistic expression becomes a pathway to financial independence by helping homeless artists earn an income through the pursuit of their art.
Program Coordinator: Rose Marcum-Raugh (contact the church at 734.971.4245)
There are number of organizations effectively working to support people experiencing homelessness, housing insecurity and poverty with a special focus on those residents health and safety. Those organizations are doing that work through solidarity and mutual aid, rather than relying solely on charity.
We’re looking at the potential for a collaborative network to share resources, problem solve together and expand our outreach to more houseless or housing-insecure residents throughout Washtenaw County.
Contact: Tess (734.971.4245)
We’re looking to continue and deepen our connection to the Sugarbrook Neighborhood with Grace Fellowship Church — House of Solutions and the Community Family Life Center.
We will continue to support efforts focused on inter- generational relationships, healthy aging, financial literacy, youth empowerment and leadership projects in 2023.
Program Coordinator: Geraldine Powell (contact the church at 734.480.0077)
Healthy Together West Willow strives to improve the health and wellness of older adults in the neighborhood.
Learn more at: Healthy Together West Willow
Contact: The West Willow Care Team (734.985.0549)
Bringing together older and younger people to work on activities that encourage cross-generational bonding and address issues affecting them and their community.
Learn more at: Generations Together West Willow
Contact: Sharon (734.985.0549)